Monday, March 26, 2007

Vote For The Worst

American Idol is an embarassing excuse for reality tv. What is with America's strange Abusive-Daddy-England fetish? I don't really watch this show ever. Ok, yes, i sometimes tune in to see the crappy auditions, but its depressing and kind of evil. I wouldn't mind the souless humor at other's expense, but they pretend to be so innocent in their mockery. Remember WB Superstar, where they tricked all the contestents into thinking they were good/attractive singers/performers? Now that show was evil! Bring that shit back.

Anyways, The Vote For The Worst website has made it a point to not only expose America Idol for being utterly phony, but also urges the American public to "vote for the worst", the worst being Sanjaya Malaker this season.

Here, the attempt to debunk several myths about the AI audition process.

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