Saturday, January 12, 2008

Post Xmas, Pre Bday 2008 Wishlist

Shirt: i've been on somewhat of a shirt binge lately. After getting 2 shirts from BustedTees,

i plan on wearing the evolution shirt to the Kentucky creationist museum

i swear this is my last one...

Twin Peaks: fuckin took them long enough to come out with season 2

Dirty Found Magazine #2: from the memory scrap collecting people at Found Magazine

DS Games:

and of course

more future gifts to myself to come as i think of them

Oh! Someone explain to me why this button making set costs like 300 bucks. What if I wanted to shave my hair off and renact scenes from Empire Records? wtf

1 comment:

bizzle said...

I bought the beets tee for myself for Christmas! It's so awesome!