These are the rules:
1. We have to post these rules before we give you the facts.
2. Players start with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
3. People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight things and post these rules.
4. At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
5. Don't forget to leave them a comment telling them they're tagged, and to read your blog.
1) i have a problem peeing with other people around. specifically when its just 1 other person. my solution for this is counting backwards from 10 in my head while sometimes holding my ears closed.
2) ive tried and failed to sing in the shower. i sing in my car only (with the exception of drunken sing-a-longs, b/c who can resist).
3) i enjoy portmanteaux, palindromes, general word-play and someday hope to coin time-enduring slang.
4) at the tender age of four my first true love was Pee Wee Herman. my mom would ask who my boyfriend was and, with a smile, i would reply "Pee Wee".
5) once a retarded man pumping my gas hit on me and asked me to hold his hand during his brain surgery.
6) in high school i sold my soul to a friend for 15 cents so i could afford a slice of pizza. later i bought it back only to lose it again in college in a random game of chance.
7) in 1st grade i tried to impress a boy i liked by showing him that i too could pee outdoors. it was a complete pants-wetting failure.
8) it really, really bothers me when a dude says a girl has ghetto booty when she does not.
i tag:
anyone who reads this and has a blog and hasnt done this yet.
2 out of 8 random fatcs about PEEING ?
nota bene : maybe the failure is due to the fact that your were holding you ears closed therefore your hands were busy ? no ? please explain. :D
i adore your n°6 random fact. ADORE.
what is ghetto booty?
i have just realized two random facts about myself over breakfast this morning and over dinner last night as i was thinking there is noting random about me :)))
Trying to pee standing straight cause these kinda problems, but a girl gotta do what she's got to do so good for you...
I loved the 6th one also... I wish you asked at least a dollar though ;)
the minimum price for a soul is a lifetime of dirty pleasures. so i don't think that deal is valid.
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