Thursday, May 10, 2007

The Encyclopedia of Life

Scientists all over the world are coming together to catalog all 1.8 million existing species on earth, describing all known aspects of each species!

"An unprecedented worldwide effort to document every living species on Earth has been launched by scientists.
Over the next 10 years, researchers will gather every scrap of information that exists on the planet's 1.8 million known species of animals, plants and other organisms to build up an enormous Encyclopedia of Life. When completed, it will be made available freely to anyone with an internet connection, as the most comprehensive repository of life as we know it.

The encyclopedia will describe every aspect of every species from aardvark to zorilla, an African skunk-like mammal. Among the records will be descriptions of habitats, prey and predators, genetic make-up and diseases carried, and assessments of populations around the world..." cont.

while were waiting for scientists to finish that, let us enjoy some cool species hybrids:




baby cama

llama + camel

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